Για Mitsubishi RLA502A700S Ανταλλακτικά τηλεχειριστηρίου κλιματιστικού (κρεμ λευκό)

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(με ΦΠΑ)
2 Τεμαχ.
Ποσοτικές εκπτώσεις:
Ποσότητα 10+ 30+ 50+ 100+
Τιμή 8.17 7.59 7.39 6.81

1. The remote control has buttons, which is easy to use and can be easily controlled with one hand.
2. Suitable for Mitsubishi air conditioner remote control
3. No programming or setup required.
4. Note: It is not original, it is a replacement! Most of the features are the same as the original remote, but may have some different buttons!
5. Material: ABS plastic

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